In the education sector, and particularly in higher education, the challenges are many. Read about Junia, an engineering school, which has invested in immersive and collaborative solutions to meet these challenges.

Keep students interested. Capture and hold learners’ attention. Ensure a hybrid course without losing the experience of the classroom. Enhance the skills of the teaching team. Organize effective teaching meetings. Stand out from the competition. Create memories and preference at open days. Amaze and reassure parents.
In the education sector, and particularly in higher education, the challenges are many.
What if XR (extended reality) and collaborative solutions were the key? What if the future of education lay in immersive and collaborative technologies? At least, that’s what the unprecedented appetite and enthusiasm in the education sector for immersive learning proves.
And this is confirmed today by the testimonial from the Junia engineering school, which has invested in these immersive and collaborative solutions, in this case Studiiio, for its Bordeaux campus, to meet these challenges and respond to its various issues.
Head of school, teacher-researcher, communications and promotion manager. Meet three professionals who share their points of view in this video, and explain how and why they are betting on immersive and collaborative technologies for the teaching of the future.

Watch the full video of Junia’s customer testimonial:
Why has this college equipped itself with collaborative and immersive technologies?

Junia chose Studiiio, our video conferencing system, a video conferencing solution that empowers people to create immersive high-impact presentation. This space features a very large interactive screen and high-quality audio and video solutions. Our Shariiing software completes and links the whole for even more interactive use.
Junia places educational innovation at the heart of its commitments and values: “To offer national and international engineering students the best possible learning experience”. It also provides training in digital professions. So it was only natural for Junia Bordeaux to turn to Studiiio and its immersive, collaborative solutions.
“The challenge for Junia is to be able to create learning spaces that reproduce the professional gestures that our students will use in the workplace. What’s more, Studiiio conveys the image of a school willing to invest in its students’ learning. We bring real added value to our students: a cutting-edge learning environment that’s also highly stimulating,” says Chrystelle Gaujard, Campus Director.
In the education sector, the challenges are many. First and foremost, attention:
“For me, one of the big challenges of teaching in higher education is getting audiences interested,” teacher-researcher Antoine Pirog.
As a higher education institution, Junia also faces competition from other schools and universities. It must therefore set itself apart to attract, convince and reassure future students and parents:
“Studiiio is a real plus and a showcase for the school,” says Théo Maisons, head of communications and promotion.

What are the benefits of immersive and collaborative solutions for education?

For Junia, the benefits of using immersive and collaborative technologies, and Studiiio in particular, are :
- More impactful, hybrid courses
Capture and hold learners’ attention. It’s a highly interactive solution that makes teaching interaction possible. Learners participate and take part in the course. Studiiio makes it possible to deliver courses in hybrid format seamlessly, without losing the experiential aspect of face-to-face teaching.
- Enhanced brand image
“It’s a real plus and a showcase for the school”.
By equipping itself with immersive and collaborative technologies, the school’s brand image is enhanced and enriched. It is perceived as a school that is willing to invest pedagogically in its students. The school provides real added value for its students: a highly stimulating, state-of-the-art learning environment.
- Giving teachers the opportunity to think differently about their teaching methods
“Changing the environment and teaching conditions will also change our habits and the way we lead and think about our pedagogical approach. It’s going to help my trainers and my teaching team to develop their skills.”
- More interactive videoconferencing
“It’s more interesting than a simple powerpoint.
Junia organizes remote conferences on the engineering profession for high school students and their parents.
- With Studiiio, our video conferencing system combines high-quality audio and high-resolution video capturing, optimal lighting, and a versatile space, all designed to make the presenter shine. Thanks to the interactive screen and Shariiing, videoconferencing is even more memorable.

- More effective educational meetings
“We got a much better result than if we’d done it in a traditional meeting.
For very concrete agendas such as reviewing a grading grid or a project evaluation grid, or thinking more prospectively with brainstorming sessions, with Studiiio, making a choice becomes simpler.
- An open day to remember
“The parents and prospective students who enter the room are open-mouthed and wide-eyed.
Higher education is a highly competitive sector. Differentiating yourself and proving that you offer real added value becomes a competitive advantage. Reassuring parents and seducing future students is crucial.
- The same equipment, different uses
“What I like best about Studiiio is its ability to change atmosphere, its chameleon-like nature, which adapts to the activity you want to carry out. With a little creativity, you can really create a very stimulating environment.

Studiiio offers the opportunity to meet different needs and explore different uses. Different formats (face-to-face, remote, hybrid), different participants, different types of meetings or presentations… Studiiio offers a wide range of possibilities.
What next?
Junia, an engineering school, has placed its bets on Studiiio. The school is now looking to develop this space to consider new uses, such as exploring a research and development approach. Junia is also considering the addition of complementary technological solutions such as virtual reality or augmented reality to make this environment even more immersive.

Interested in Edtech?
- To find out more, here’s a close-up of the three use cases presented in video.
- To understand the unprecedented craze in the education and training sectors, read our article.
- Discover another educational use case with the Pôle Formation Adour, who are using immersive learning to upgrade technical training courses through virtual reality and collaborative technology.
- Immerse yourself in Studiiio. Studiiio leaves a lasting impression. In this space, capturing attention becomes easier. Investors, students, employees, customers… Engage any audience.
- Want to take your teaching to the next level?
Contact us to equip your facility with immersive and collaborative technologies for captivated, proud and effective teachers and learners.