Scientific publications
This work presents an augmented dance performance based on new technologies and feedback from audience and choregrapher.
Céline Coutrix, Guillaume Riviere, Katarzyna Borgiel, Julien Castet, Nadine Couture, Ullmer Brygg, Geelhaar Jens, Patrick Reuter, Nawel Takouachet, Christophe Kolski, Sophie Lepreux, Jérémy Legardeur, Sebastien Kubicki, Yvonne Jansen, Amira Bouadid (2013). Methods for Designing Tangible UI: A First Comparative Case Study, TEI’13,Tangible Embedded Interface, February 10-13, 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
This workshop targets the research and industrial challenges linked to the exploration of complexspaces where 2D digital content meet the 3D physical world.
Julien Castet, Delphine Graeff, Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière (2013). Retour du patrimoine d’expérience sur l’intégration d’une plateforme collaborative dans les projets de valorisation, 5e édition du colloque Virtual Retrospect : 27,28 et 29 novembre 2013 dans l’odéon de l’archéopôle d’Aquitaine, université de Bordeaux 3.
This work presents existing decision making tools, simulation software and other tools for crisis managers. It then presents the conception of a new interactive simulation system.
Clay Alexis, Couture Nadine, Nigay Laurence, De la Riviere Jean-Baptiste, Martin Jean-Claude, Courgeon Matthieu, Desainte-Catherine Myriam, Orvain Emmanuel, Girondel Vincent, Domenger Gael, Interactions and systems for augmenting a live dance performance, ISMAR November 2012
Anderson, K., Arhippainen, L., Benko, H., de la Rivière, J-B., Häkkilä, J., Krüger, A., Keefe, D., Pakanen, M. and Steinicke, F. Proceedings of the ACM CHI Workshop on The 3rd Dimension of CHI: Touching and Designing 3D User Interfaces (3DCHI), Austin, Texas, USA. May 5-10, 2012. 106.
A system combining direct multitouch interaction with 3D stereoscopic and co-localized visualization.
A. Ahmad, O. Balet, A. Boin, P. Brivio, F. Ganovelli, E. Gobbetti, J. Himmerlstein, G. Pintore, J.B. de la Rivière, M. Schraap : Interactive simulation technology for crisis management and training: the Indigo Project. In proceedings of the 9th international ISCRAM Conference, April 2012.
This work describes a prototype of interactive system managing multiple operators and multiple viewpoints.
J. Himmelstein, O. Balet, F. Ganovelli, E. Gobbetti, M. Specht, J.B. de la Rivière, P. Mueller, C. Engels, L. Van Gool, A. Cavazzini : The V-City Project : towards rapid and cost-effective reconstruction, visualization and exploitation of complete, large-scale and interactive urban environments. In proceedings of VAST 2011, the 12th international Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2011.
A work in progress about combining multitouch tactile interaction with stereoscopic images.
J. Pettré, M. Marchal, O. Siret, Jb. De la Rivière, A. Lécuyer : Juryman, an Immersive and Entertaining Interface for Virtual Locomotion. Emerging Technologies, Siggraph Asia 2011.
This study presents the interaction techniques with the CubTile, a multitouch 3D interaction device made of five multitouch surfaces which allows to manipulate 3D objects.
Hachet M., Bossavit B., Cohé A., de la Rivière J.B. : Toucheo: Multitouch and Stereo Combined in a Seamless Workspace. Proceedings of UIST 2011
We present the CubTile, an innovative 3D multitouch interaction used with an Augmented Reality application.
J. Himmelstein, O. Balet, L. Van Gool, P. Mueller, J.B. de la Rivière, E. Gobbetti and R. Scopigno : 3D Reconstruction, storage and online exploitation of large and highly detailed urban areas. In the poster session of the INSPIRE Conference, 2011.
This work describes first experimental results revealing the potential of bimanual interaction with the CubTile.
de la Rivière J.B., Kervégant C., Orvain E., Dittlo N., Courtois M. : 3D Multitouch : when tactile tables meet immersive visualization technologies. Siggraph 2010 Emerging Technologies, Siggraph 2010 Talk, July 2010.