This ambitious project will integrate immersive media technologies and advanced volumetric capture to create innovative hybrid XR experiences. HEAT will develop a multi-user communication system, enriched with feedback, to build contextual and embodied experiences. By optimizing 3D data acquisition and reducing technological costs, we aim to facilitate the implementation of enhanced XR experiences, while respecting GDPR and ethics.
For Immersion, it’s an opportunity to work on issues such as telepresence and the autonomy of users to create their own experience.
Identity Card
Duration: 36 months
Start date: July 2024
Overall budget: 7 million euros
Funding: European Commission (N°101135637)
15 partners from 8 different countries
website: https://heat-xr.eu
- Universita Degli Studi Di Cagliari (Unica)
- Dublin City university (DCU)
- Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le telecomunicazioni (CNIT)
- Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov (UTBV)
- Holografika Hologrameloallito Fejleszto Es Forgalmazo KFT (HOLO)
- Fundacio Privada I2CAT, internet i innovacio digital a catalunya (I2CAT)
- Adaptemy Limited (ADAP)
- Teatro Di Sardegna centro Di Iniziativa Teatrale Societa Cooperativa ARL (SART)
- Irish Opera Transformations Company Limited by Guarantee (INO)
- Asociatia Transilvania Arts & Events (ATRAE)
- Opera Europa (OPEU)
- Orange Romania SA (ORO)
- Vis SRL (VIS)
- Immersion