Immersion has recently provided to Alstom several portable systems ‘Vr in Case’. The ‘VR in a case is a kit all-in-one’ mobile Virtual Reality, contained in a compact flight case. This affordable solution can deploy easily and quickly an immersive system.
Airbus Operations has trusted Immersion to equip a technical solution Tracking of brand ART (11 cameras ARTTRACK 5) and virtual reality head-mounted display allowing to visualize the simulation. This solution will be integrated in the Airbus room “Augmented Virtuality” composed of metal structure that can support the tracking cameras.
Immersion recently sold to DTIM (Department of Information Processing and Modeling) and DCPS (Design Department and Evaluation Systems Performance) in ONERA Palaiseau, a system of 8 tracking cameras Optitrack. They allow to optimize the positioning of the UAV relative to each other. These cameras have a high-speed track with excellent accuracy average catch volumes while having an […]
Immersion, European leader and major international player of virtual reality, has successfully enclosed a 2,53 M€ private investment. This initial public offering is the first quotation of 2016 of the place of Paris.
Immersion created an immersive 3D room (also known as a Virtual Reality room) for Alstom Transport. Discover the video.
SystemSol is a research project financed by the Aquitaine Region. It aims at designing and implementing a factory concept of the future. This concept must address design problems and supply management in a coherent way. The project is structured around Sunna Design needs. Sunna Design is a young innovative company who designs and markets LED solar […]
ACORFORMed is a research project funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) aiming to improve the training of doctors through Virtual Reality. The tool translates into an animated conversation agent featuring a virtual patient, with the purpose of improving the quality of interaction between a doctor and its patient.
Immersion created for Xerox a collaborative and innovative room. This showroom allows to the document management international leader to encourage collaboration and to co-innoavte with its clients.
L’ENS Cachan s’est doté d’un environnement immersif collaboratif nommé SH.I.V.A. (SHared Interactive Viirtual Area) qui s’articule autour des thématiques de recherche de l’institut Farman : Modélisation, simulation et validation de grands systèmes complexes. “Immersion en tant que spécialiste européen des solutions de simulation visuelle et de réalité virtuelle, nous a été précieux en nous offrant […]