4DCollab Interactive tools for 4D BIM collaborative planning

4DCollab: interactive tools for 4D BIM collaborative planning. The 4DCollab research project addresses collaborative 4D/BIM usages through a prospective ergonomics approach. It aims at defining innovative collaborative work practices in building construction planning, enabling multi-disciplinary decision-making through novel interaction techniques with 4D/BIM model.

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A 5-sided CAVE system for Renault Technologie Roumanie

In the framework of a public tender, Immersion will equip Renault Technologie Roumanie with a 5-sided CAVE system.

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Founding partner of vr-bnb Immersion

On December 13, 2016, during the opening of it3D Summit, Christophe Chartier, CEO and co-founder of Immersion launched vr-bnb. vr-bnb is the first online platform allowing to rent virtual reality equipment all around the world, thus making the technology accessible to all professionals. Christophe Chartier explains the genesis of the project.

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Urban development Immersion involved in the project

Immersion participates into the ZAC Bastide Niel urban planning by putting virtual reality at the service of stakeholders and citizens.

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Immersion, founding member of a new community

On May 26th, under the aegis of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Digital Aquitaine Cluster with the project initiatiors, Immersion, ESI and INRIA, launched a new community, the “interactive and digital simulation and virtual experience” community.

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Immersion and Testia join together to accelerate industry 4.0

In order to extend the application scope to all industries, TESTIA, an AIRBUS GROUP company specialized in the field of Non-Destructive Testing, Quality Inspections and Training in Aerospace. chooses Immersion to distribute the SART solution (Smart Augmented Reality Tool) which until then has been restricted to Airbus Group and some aeronautic players.

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Major supplier of Digiscope platforms network

The Digiscope project, led by Digiteo, is a platform network for interactive visualization. This powerful system with a rich potential of configuration is the only one of its kind in the world. For several years, Immersion has worked closely with this network by creating six rooms on ten (immersive rooms, great 3D walls or large touch screens) installed in the University of Paris-Saclay.

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Uliss The future’s cockpit

ULISS is a research project funded by the DGAC (French Civil Aviation Authority) aiming to design, prototype and certify an innovative cockpit for business aircraft. The purpose is to design a new visualization, interaction and collaboration environment enabling the crew to carry out operational work under optimal conditions while considering the spatial constraints of new […]

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How to design tomorrow's retail spaces through virtual reality?

The Trade Industries cluster (PICOM) created the Shopping Innovation Lab (Silab), the first European center dedicated to Commerce. Immersion designed and integrated a reconfigurable immersive room to create retail spaces virtually.

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How to improve training with HRV Simulation simulators ?

Immersion provided HRV Simulation haptics (Geomagic Touch X) and magnetic sensors (Polhemus Patriot DB) to develop their dental surgery training simulator.

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