ADAPTe : Advanced DigitAlized Production Technology

ADAPTe aims to model and control a production system and develop new design methods for the product/process pair.

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LITIMS: Technological Innovation Laboratory for Multi-Sensorial Immersion

LITIMS (Laboratoire d’Innovation Technologique pour l’Immersion Multi-Sensorielle) is a joint laboratory between the PRISM research laboratory and Immersion.

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How can collaborative technologies help athletes improve their performance? The case of the SMART connected gym

SMART stands for “Sport Mouvement Ambition Recherche et Technologie” (Sport Movement Ambition Research and Technology). Supported by the Bordeaux University, financed as part of Opération Campus Bordeaux and accredited as a preparatory center for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, this building is dedicated to research, training, innovation and sports practices. Within this brand new kind […]

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HEAT : Hybrid Extended Reality

HEAT aims to redefine the immersive experience in hyper-realistic, navigable and omnidirectional 3D spaces.

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Shariiing XR,
your workspaces have never been so immersive Discover our new solution, Shariiing XR, a major advance in collaborative immersive interaction.

Experience XR to the full. Don’t be isolated. Shariiing XR adds a new dimension to your immersive applications, making them more collaborative. Communicate more easily. Understand each other better. Connected to the Shariiing platform, your applications facilitate exchanges within the group, between immersed people and outsiders. Simply, intelligently. Shariiing XR offers an intuitive interface for […]

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Evolved 5G: remote assistance in Augmented Reality

Evolved-5G is an H2020 research project funded by the European Commission. Its aim is to set up an ecosystem to facilitate access to 5G network functionalities for third-party developers. Over and above the academic aspects (scientific publications, conference participation, etc.), the project’s aim was to set up procedures and tools for the professional world interested […]

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DESCARTES creating hybrid AI for the city of the future

The DesCartes (Decision-making in Critical Urban Systems) program aims to develop disruptive hybrid AI for the smart city, enabling optimized decision-making in complex situations encountered in critical urban systems.

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DESCARTES creating hybrid AI for the city of the future

The DesCartes (Decision-making in Critical Urban Systems) program aims to develop disruptive hybrid AI for the smart city, enabling optimized decision-making in complex situations encountered in critical urban systems.

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XR and immersive solutions for innovation

In an uncertain environment, innovation is a powerful asset for coping with change, anticipating developments and staying one step ahead. Based on the principle that we never innovate alone, collective intelligence enables us to overcome barriers and remove obstacles. More than the sum of individual skills or intelligence, collective intelligence is the result of the […]

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SAFE-6G, a European research project under the Horizon Europe program, aims to boost user confidence in 6G networks. Immersion’s mission will be to test and validate these immersive applications in different types of services and deployments, subject to various threats and attacks.

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