The E-VIA project funded by the Aquitaine region aims to develop a series of tools for immersive navigation in heritage-related 3D representations thanks to a series of solutions to be made accessible to all audiences.
Tass for ” Total Airport Security System ” is an European research project aiming at developing a flight safety management tool. Immersion’s role is to set up a combination of equipment and software helping the supervision operators have an ergonomic tool to reach all the information collected on the ground.
INDIGO aims to provide a revolutionary solution that will enable inter-organisational preparation and support response to transboundary crises and disasters, in any environment. INDIGO allows for inter-organizational exercising, information sharing and analysis. The proposed system proved an essential and integrated tool for training personnel, planning operations, and facilitating crisis management and co-operation across organisations and […]
This project intends to use people’s feeling while observing cultural work and enhances it by using augmented reality technologies. Besides its coordination capacities/skills, Immersion brings along its knowledge about existing hardware solutions and the ability to develop new turnkey solutions in interaction, visualization, gesture recognition and user’s sensing.
Financed by the European Union within the FP7, the V-CITY project aims at restoring cities in 3D and allows interaction and navigation inward the layout. Partner with the consortium, Immersion’s objective is to develop new interfaces allowing navigation within these environments. The first developers notably based their work on adapting multitouch tactile technologies to urban […]
The interactive tactile surfaces, and especially multitouch surfaces, are considerably changing the habits and the relation between users and digital worlds.Within the InSTInCT project, all stakeholders are willing to contribute to this evolution, focusing on 3D aspects.On the one hand, they will develop intuitive interfaces based on existing tactile devices. On the other hand, they […]