Our expertise in Mixed Reality recognized by Microsoft Corp.

Repérée par Microsoft Corp, Immersion devient membre du programme HoloLens Agency Readiness. Son expertise en Réalité Mixte est reconnue par la firme de Redmond. Notre équipe pluridisciplinaire est à votre disposition pour un accompagnement global.

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Founding partner of vr-bnb Immersion

On December 13, 2016, during the opening of it3D Summit, Christophe Chartier, CEO and co-founder of Immersion launched vr-bnb. vr-bnb is the first online platform allowing to rent virtual reality equipment all around the world, thus making the technology accessible to all professionals. Christophe Chartier explains the genesis of the project.

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Immersion, founding member of a new community

On May 26th, under the aegis of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, the Digital Aquitaine Cluster with the project initiatiors, Immersion, ESI and INRIA, launched a new community, the “interactive and digital simulation and virtual experience” community.

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Alternext Immersion launches IPO

Immersion, European leader and major international player of virtual reality, has successfully enclosed a 2,53 M€ private investment. This initial public offering is the first quotation of 2016 of the place of Paris.

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