Welcome to the Jungle is an online platform dedicated to recruitment and corporate culture. We have joined Welcome to the Jungle to provide dedicated content for our candidates. Get to know your future work environment and colleagues. We look forward to meeting you!
Do you have a project to accompany or train remote operators? And you think that augmented or mixed reality could be a relevant solution for: solving problems in real time, limiting the travel of your experts, saving time during interventions… Faced with the multitude of existing solutions, you may be overwhelmed and don’t know how […]
Create a collaborative workspace. Supporting the evolution of its processes. How did the Bordeaux-Gironde Chamber of Commerce and Industry gain in agility by creating its own Innovation Lab for its internal teams and the entrepreneurs it supports? Meeting with Elsa Leleu, Marketing & Customer Relations Manager of the Bordeaux-Gironde Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who […]
The latest Cash Investigation programme, broadcast this Thursday 13 January at 9.10 pm on France 2, deals with medical deserts and the difficulty of access to care on our territory. There is no mention of immersive or interactive technologies. So, you will tell us, what is the relation with Immersion’s activity? Nothing. Or at least, […]
PI5G is a project financed by the France Relance plan as part of the Resilience call for projects for a period of 3 years, which aims to accelerate the development of products/services combining immersive technologies and 5G for Industry 4.0.
Evolved-5G is an H2020 research project funded by the European Commission. The aim of this project is to open up the experimentation and validation of professional uses of 5G and to put in place the tools to enable future service providers to deploy their services on 5G more easily.
Mixed Reality is a combination of real world objects and virtual objects. It is a term that encompasses a wide range of technologies from Augmented Reality (AR) to Augmented Virtuality (AV). Augmented Reality basically consists in adding a digital content in a real environment while Augmented Virtuality consists in adding physical content in a virtual environment. As it encompasses a broad range of […]
Virtual Reality refers to any technology immerging its user in an artificially computed environment. The environment may be a reproduction of something real or imaginary. Virtual reality, often shortened as “VR”, may be used through Head Mounted Displays (HMD) such as the HTC Vive or the Microsoft VR product range as well as so called CAVE (for Cave Automatic […]
Iris & Octave is a hybrid place that questions our senses in the Retail 4.0 era. At the crossroads between a traditional optical and hearing store, a museum of science and discovery and a Fab-Lab. To give life to this project, Sylvain Figerou its creator, has notably equipped it with Immersion technologies. Shariiing, collaboration and presentation software, and Reviiiew, a Mixed Reality application.
The Training Center 4.0 innovative project aims to put into practice a complete and coherent digital learning system (initial training, apprenticeship and development) for complex organisations and industrial systems.It will include a platform for creating innovative paths and resources, a second dissemination platform and a training centre in New-Aquitaine to deliver immersive simulation training. The […]