The MIC project (Microgesture Interaction in Context) is an ANR research project dedicated to micro-gestures for human-machine interaction.
Immersion coordinates technological monitoring related to micro-gestures and specifies the requirements for the project’s platform. This software platform will facilitate the creation of prototypes and applications based on MIC’s hardware components. Immersion also designs and develops prototypes to leverage MIC’s potential for AR/VR-related applications.
It’s within the scope of this project that our expert conducted tests on the TouchDIVER gloves by Weart, the Quantum Metagloves by Manus, as well as the MoCap Pro SuperSplay by StretchSense.
Thermal feedback. Motion tracking. Unique technology. High-quality data. Precision… These AR and VR technology gloves have convinced us.
They are all available on our Cornershop.
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