School principal, teacher-researcher, communications and promotions manager at an engineering school. Meet three professionals who each share one of their use cases for immersive and collaborative technologies.

In the education sector, and particularly in higher education, the challenges are many.
Junia chose Studiiio our video conferencing system, a video conferencing solution that empowers people to create immersive, high-impact presentations. This space features a very large interactive screen and high-quality audio and video solutions. Our Shariiing software completes and links the package for even more interactive use.
Watch the full testimonial of our customer, Junia, on video :
The Junia engineering school testified to the various benefits of Studiiio. Today, let’s explore 3 use cases for this higher education school that users have shared with us.
1 – Delivering a hybrid course with Studiiio
In a sector forever marked by the year 2020, when teachers watched one by one as cameras were switched off, Studiiio proposes to reinvent hybrid teaching methods where participants are captivated.

To teach an electronics course using Studiiio, teacher-researcher Antoine Pirog explains his method:
- The whole scenario is shared in real time on the screens of remote learners via the most widely used videoconferencing tools.
- Have different documents on the interactive screen: the technical documents of an electronic board, with his course material next to it at the same time,
- In physics, on a table, an electronic board and a rotating manipulation,
- Studiiio’s camera, which films the electronic board and shares the image with Shariiing.
- Thanks to Shariiing and streaming screen sharing, he programs the board in real time and shows the causes and effects of the various functions of the electronic board.
“A highly interactive system that makes interaction in teaching possible and allows courses in hybrid format quite seamlessly and without losing the experiential that there is in the room.”

2 – Host a remote conference with Studiiio

As part of his mission to raise awareness of the campus and its training courses, Théo Maisons, communications and promotion officer, organizes videoconferences with high schools to enable students and their parents to discover the engineering profession and its career opportunities.
He explains how he runs his remote conferences with Studiiio:
- Everything he does in Shariiing is displayed on their personal screen.
- Participants connect remotely,
- The video is displayed in front of him, so he can see all the participants,
- He stands in front of them, in front of the Studiiio screen,
- He can move all the elements of his presentation directly,

“It’s more interesting than a simple powerpoint.
“What I like most about Studiiio is really the workspace: the personalization aspect of the conferences. When someone asks me a question, I can go straight to the element, enlarge it, draw over it and add modifications. And that’s a real plus.”
3 – Organize a face-to-face training meeting with Studiiio
Chrystelle Gaujard, Campus Director, used Studiiio to work with her teaching team.
The need was to rework a project evaluation grid. To do this, they needed to bring together all their documents in a single environment. They were able to co-construct this new evaluation grid, which they then implemented.

“We have, I think, achieved a much better result than if we had done it in a classic meeting.”
Studiiio is more than a tool, it’s an ally. Studiiio goes beyond being a mere tool – it’s your ally in building trust and convincing your audience. It also facilitates decision-making and collective understanding. Shariiing software completes the picture by promoting collaboration.

Interested in Edtech?

- Read our article on Junia’s customer testimonial detailing the benefits of Studiiio “What if the future of education came through immersive and collaborative technologies?”
- To understand the unprecedented craze in the education and training sectors, read our article:
- Discover another use case in education with the Pôle Formation Adour, who are using immersive learning to upgrade technical training courses thanks to virtual reality and collaborative technology :
- Immerse yourself in Studiiio. Studiiio makes a lasting impression. In this space, capturing attention becomes easier. Investors, students, collaborators, customers… Embrace any audience.
- Want to take your teaching to the next level?
Contact us to equip your facility with immersive, collaborative technologies for captivated, proud and effective teachers and learners.